Vocally Oriented Investigations in Creative Expression
Vocally Oriented Investigations in Creative Expression
The VOICE Lab Vocally Oriented Investigations in Creative Expression, a studio space opened in 2019 and closed in 2021. It was a space where people with disabilities could think about and develop methods of creative self expression while having the support of people and technology.
The project was a partnership between the Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance (MAP); the Faculty of Social Work; and Astonished! Inc. The University of Regina faculty associated with this research were: Dr. Helen Pridmore, Dr. Kathleen Irwin, and Dr. Randy Johner.
As we imagine soundscapes, beat creation, podcasts, and so much more in our future, we believe the VOICE Lab will make a significant contribution to the art and culture knowledge that is created by people with disabilities. Dr. Chelsea Temple Jones was the post-doctoral researcher working with this project.
The VOICE Lab was situated at the University of Regina on the second floor of RIC.
Funding for this research project was through MITACS: Mitacs builds partnerships between academia, industry, and the world – to create a more innovative Canada.
November 28, 2019, 9:00-3:15
Dr. William Riddell Centre, University of Regina.